The ENSNARE GenScen data model allows the representation of an energy renovation project, and the generation of renovation scenarios.
It is made of three different ontologies:
The Building ontology: is used to model a building and its status prior to the renovation
The RenoProject ontology: used to model the context of a building and a renovation project. The ontology distinguishes two kinds of scenarios: standards scenarios and ENSNARE scenarios (i.e. scenarios using the ENSNARE façade modules, integrating renewables) . It also contains individuals for the climatic condition of the different Euro Regions NUTS1
The Intervention ontology: used to model the different renovation actions that can be performed in an energy renovation (façade/roof insulation, windows change, heating/cooling systems, ventilation, PV systems).
The data model is augmented with a SWRL rule-set files (that can be run under a Fuseki instance). The rule-set corresponds to a decision tree to generate renovation scenarios according to the characteristics of the building and its environment.